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Fund Raiser for Leominster Meeting Centre- Dementia Matters HERE(fordshire).

Leominster Meeting Centre provides vital support for those affected by dementia and their

carers. It was one of the first meeting centres to be established in the UK and is used as a

model for others setting up across the country. The success of the meeting centre and

dementia services in Herefordshire more widely owe a lot to Pembridge resident Dr Shirley


She spoke to Portrait of Pembridge last year about the work of Demetia Matters

HERE(fordshire) and you can read our interview here

While Shirley has been successful in obtaining financial support from Government and

charitable donations, the continuing work of the meeting centre relies on fund raising and the

generosity of the public.

Pembridge residents will have the opportunity to support this worthy cause on Saturday 6 th

July at a Cocktail and Music eventing being held at the New Inn. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic

cocktails will be served from 6pm till 8pm. Hereford band Monolith will play from 8pm.

5 July

Bronwen Lewis Concert

6 July

Love to Sing Community Choir