Portrait of Pembridge Blog 16
March 2025
Photography and Art Awards
The first Portrait of Pembridge Photography and Art Awards will take place on 22nd March.
Entries are now invited and will close at 8pm on 21 March.
There are classes for both photographs and artwork depicting historic and contemporary Pembridge life.
Awards will be made to 1st, 2nd and 3rd entries in each class.
Special Awards will be made to those who gain most points in the following categories:
Portrait of Pembridge Artist
Portrait of Pembridge Photographer
Portrait of Pembridge Young Artist
Portrait of Pembridge Young Photographer
There’s also an art competition for under 12s
A centre piece of the exhibition will be the unique Williams Hill collection of photographs of Pembridge in the early 20th century.
If you have old photos or postcards of Pembridge and the surrounding countryside do enter them in the competition and help us build up the biggest record of our past. Photos of, or the originals, can be submitted.
We hope to make a record of modern-day Pembridge too, so that future generations may see how life in this community has evolved.
We’ve already seen a lot of amazing photos of our beautiful countryside, and historic buildings. We know there are many talented artists and photographers out there so do look at the rules and entry form on our website.
Pembridge Tapestries
To mark the 10th Anniversary of the creation of the Pembridge Tapestries an exhibition of them and sone new additions will be hosted in St Mary’s Church on 8th March.
Local composer Andy Davies has created an evening of music and song performed by residents which will tell the story of the 1,000 years of Pembridge history depicted in the Tapestries .
200 Mile Charity Cycle Ride
A man from Marston will be representing Pembridge & Shobdon Royal British Legion on a sponsored cycle ride through the Netherlands to raise funds for the RBL and in memory of his late father who fought and died in WWII.
You can read his story in
and sponsor him here
VE Day 80
Preparations are already in hand for celebrations of the 80th anniversary of Victory in Europe on 8th May,
Eagle eyed readers may have noticed the recent disappearance of the flagpole by the War Memorial and the tidying of the surrounding area by the RBL and PIPs
8th May will see it restored and the addition of a bench with a QR code linked to
This tells the stories of the fallen men of Pembridge from both World Wars and recent conflicts.
A plaque will also be added to the memorial containing the names of other Pembridge veterans, whose service was researched by the late Rory MacColl, and who were omitted from the memorial.
History Trail
Pembridge History Group is planning a history trail through the village which will provide information for both residents and visitors.
If you have any stories, photos, deeds, wills, news cuttings and other documents which shed light on our history please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
School’s Out
1925-100 years ago, was a difficult year for Mr James Ayers, Headmaster of Pembridge CE Primary School.
He shares his frustrations in his diary as the school year is disrupted by one disaster after another.
We retell his annus horrilibus in our History section.
Pembridge and Shobdon RBL Wins Award
The branch was delighted to receive a Beacon Branch Award from Stephen Cole, County Chairman
The events programme gained this award for the branch.
Upcoming events include talks at the New Inn in March and April on the Secret Resistance Movement in Herefordshire and Poison Darts.
A coach trip to the Malvern Spring Show is planned for May
Non members are welcome. See Dates for your Diary for details
Something Fishy at the Parish Hall
The Parish Hall Committee are now making the Tabletop Sale a monthly event, to take place on the last Saturday of each month.
A new addition to this is Paul’s Fresh Fish which will be at the Tabletop Sale each month.
For details see www.pembridgeparishhall.co.uk
Grow Your Own
Pembridge Allotment Association has allotments available to rent. The allotments are at the western end of the village just before the turning for Westonbury Mill Water Gardens. Applicants may contact Rosie at the New Inn or call Anita on 07793 287943
Opera, Ballet, Theatre, and Films
There’s a wide range of performances this month with Ballet, Opera and Theatre at the Parish Hall and Pembridge Film Nights at the New Inn.
Racing Royalty , Bob Champion CBE, Tom Scudamore and Richard Johnson will be in conversation at the Parish Hall.
How lucky are we to have all this on our doorsteps.
For details see
Mortimer Medical Practice
We welcome the addition of Mortimer Medical Practice to our Community Groups page.
The practice issues a regular newsletter to keep patients informed of changes at the practice and important health information.
You can read this now on
Emergency First Aid
Would you know what to do if a family member, friend, or colleague collapsed?
Living in a rural community has many advantages but one big disadvantage is that help can take a long time to come in an emergency.
According to NHS data average waiting times in England for a response to a suspected stroke or heart attack have risen to 43 minutes.
Help given immediately can significantly alter the outcome.
The parish now has three defibrillators at:-
The Parish Hall,
East Street Car Park, and
Broxwood Telephone Box
You can learn how to use one and other potentially lifesaving techniques
At the Herefordshire Heartstart Couse
14th March
Pembridge Parish Hall
Spread the Word
We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “ Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 15
February 2025
Photography and Art Awards
The first Portrait of Pembridge Photography and Art Awards will take place on 22nd March.
Entries are now invited and will close on 21 March.
There are classes for both photographs and artwork depicting historic and contemporary Pembridge life.
A centre piece of the exhibition will be the unique Williams Hill collection of photographs of Pembridge in the early 20th century.
If you have old photos or postcards of Pembridge and the surrounding countryside do enter them in the competition and help us build up the biggest record of our past. Photos of or the originals can be submitted.
We hope to make a record of modern-day Pembridge too, so that future generations may see how life in this community has evolved.
We’ve already seen a lot of amazing photos of our beautiful countryside, and historic buildings. We know there are many talented artists and photographers out there so do look at the rules and entry form on our website.
We Need You
Portrait of Pembridge is looking for volunteers to join our group. Barry Temple- Purcell explains how Portrait came about, what we do and the skills and help we are looking for. You can read his article
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome.
If you can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you. Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved.
Pembridge Tapestries
To mark the 10th Anniversary of the creation of the Pembridge Tapestries an exhibition of them and sone new additions will be hosted in St Mary’s Church on 8th March.
Local composer Andy Davies has created an evening of music and song performed by residents which will tell the story of the 1,000 years of Pembridge history depicted in the Tapestries .
If you’d like to join the group creating this celebration as a musician, singer or narrator contact andytd73@gmail.com or ianandgillian@googlemail.com
The History, Culture and Practice of Droving
Drovers driving cattle and sheep from Wales to the markets of the Midlands and South would have been a familiar sight in the Marches up until the 1950s
Brecon Beacons Ambassador Mark Davis gave a fascinating talk to a packed Parish Hall
The event quickly sold out and we know many of you were disappointed to miss it.
We’ve summarised Mark’s talk on our website. You can read it at
Happy Birthday Pembridge Footlights
It’s just a year since the first Pembridge Footlights screening of “ This England” took place in the Parish Hall. The National Theatre production, starring Ralph Fiennes as Gareth Southgate, was a stunning success. It’s been followed by a cornucopia of artistic delights including stand out performances from the Royal Ballet, Royal Opera and Metropolitan Opera.
The programme for February and March is already packed with world class productions available on our doorstep at the amazing price of £10.
Pembridge could make a respectable bid to be City of Culture 2025 with concerts organised by the Church to include Remi Harris Hot Club Trio and Pembridge Film Nights starting their new season with “Thelma”(12) at the New Inn.
For details of these and many other events see
Parish Councillor Appointed
Jo Williams, owner of Bloom & Grind and Issy and Bella Floral Design has been appointed a Parish Councillor following a vacancy arising.
Speaking to Portrait of Pembridge, Councillor Williams said, “ Having grown up in Pembridge and being part of a family that has lived here for hundreds of years I wanted to be part of making our parish and village the best it can be for now and for future generations.”
Cllr Williams is from Marston, where she lives on her family’s farm. As a businesswoman with deep roots in the countryside she will be a valuable addition to our council.
For a full list of our Parish Councillors see
Emergency First Aid
Would you know what to do if a family member, friend, or colleague collapsed?
Living in a rural community has many advantages but one big disadvantage is that help can take a long time to come in an emergency.
According to NHS data average waiting times in England for a response to a suspected stroke or heart attack have risen to 43 minutes.
Help given immediately can significantly alter the outcome.
The parish now has three defibrillators at:-
The Parish Hall,
East Street Car Park, and
Broxwood Telephone Box
You can learn how to use one and other potentially lifesaving techniques at the Herefordshire Heartstart Course, 14th March, Pembridge Parish Hall
Pride in Pembridge
Starts a new season of sprucing up the village with colourful planting and tidying the verges and open spaces which we all enjoy.
If you would like to join them volunteers are always welcome.
Contact Jan Williams who has recently become the secretary of PIPs janetfwilliams@icloud.com
Pembridge CE School PTFA
The PTFA is holding its AGM on 10th March at Pembridge School.
Parents, grandparents, and friends of the school are welcome to attend and help shape future fund-raising activities.
The PTFA raised over £3,000 at the end of last year from a BINGO night and the Kington Charity Shop as well as organising many extra-curricular events and activities for the children.
Spread the Word
We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “ Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 14
January 2025
Win a POPPA in 2025
You may have missed out in the New Year’s honours, not been shortlisted for a Booker, BAFTA, or Oscar, but there’s still the POPPAs to aim for with the winners to be announced on 22nd March 2025.
The inaugural Portrait of Pembridge Photography and Art Awards (POPPAs) will be opening entries soon and celebrating the artistic talent of Pembridge at an exhibition and award ceremony at the Parish Hall.
The entry form will shortly be posted on our website, and you can learn more about this competition in the News section
If you would like us to email an entry form to you, please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Julie Miflin
We were saddened to learn of the death of Julie Miflin who, as a parish councillor, initiated the annual Christmas trees and lights throughout the village.
Gill Smith and Jacqui Thomas remember the many contributions Julie made to village life.
A Window on Pembridge Past
Long before the internet or telephone, trade directories were the go-to publication to find services and trades and to learn who the were the movers and shakers in any given town or village.
In our History section Tony Norman shares a glimpse into Pembridge past via his extensive collection of these directories.
Most of those trades are now obsolete but many of you may recognise family names and ancestors amongst them.
All Shook Up
A most enjoyable evening was had at the Parish Hall when the King of Rock , aka J D King, performed the hits of Elvis.
Our Past Events page gives a flavour of the evening which was a huge success.
Happy Birthday Love to Sing Choir
The choir will celebrate its first birthday in January. What a year it has been, with multiple performances, a GOLD award gained in competition with more established choirs, and participation in a musical!
We caught up with Musical Director, Hayley Osborne, to learn of plans for this year, including a Children’s Choir starting soon.
Remembrance and Poppy Appeal
This year’s Remembrance service attracted national attention with crews from both the BBC and GB News in Pembridge to record the 50th time Niall Roberts provided his services as bugler.
We were honoured that the Vice lord Lieutenant James Hervey - Bathurst CBE DL presented a certificate to Niall and met his family and other parishioners on Remembrance Day.
The Poppy Appeal also raised a record amount of over £9,000 and organiser Graham Hudson thanks everyone for their generous donations to the RBL.
See our news section for more.
Third Defibrillator Arrives
There are now three defibrillators in the parish with the newest installed at Pembridge Parish Hall. The others are in East Street car park and Broxwood telephone box.
Would you know how to use it?
If not, please read our News section to learn more and watch out for another Heartstart course on the Parish Hall website.
Plea to Dog Owners
We’ve been made aware that some dog walkers are letting their dogs off the lead in the church yard.
The church wardens have requested owners keep dogs on leads, and clear up their mess, out of respect to those families visiting loved one’s graves.
Pubs and Cider Houses
Pembridge History Group are researching pubs and cider houses in the parish. There were many more of them than today. If anyone has information about The Swan, The Greyhound, The Queen’s Head, The Builders Arms or the Yew Tree Inn please do let me know at ingramkay3@gmail.com or 07342 625796
We Need You
Portrait of Pembridge website is looking for someone to help with website design and maintenance. If you are familiar with this and can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you. Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved.
We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 13
50 Year Record
When we gather around the War Memorial on 10th November it will be the 50th consecutive year Niall Roberts has provided his services as our bugler.
The Royal British Legion believes that this may be a record and will be making a presentation to Niall in recognition of his dedication to Remembrance.
You can read his story in our News section.
Celebration of the Pembridge Tapestries
In 2025 it will be ten years since the Tapestries, chronicling Pembridge's history over eleven centuries, were unveiled.
Composer and Pembridge resident, Andy Davies, has composed twelve pieces of music to celebrate the stories told in each of the tapestries.
He is looking for musicians, singers, and narrators to perform at an event to be held in the Spring.
If you’d like to take part, please contact andytd73@gmail.com
Pembridge CE Primary School PTFA
The PTFA do a great job in raising funds for the school. This month they are running the Kington Charity shop from 13th November.
If you have unwanted preloved clothes, toys, books, DVDs, bric a brac please donate to this worthy cause.
Items can be left at the school from 4th to 8th November.
Don’t forget to pop into the shop and pick up a bargain.
The PTFA are also running a Bingo Night in Leominster – see Upcoming Events for details.
Old Chapel Gallery
In the first of a series focussing on local businesses, we interviewed Yasmin Strube, owner of the Old Chapel Gallery in East Street. Her story of transition from chef to the stars to gallery curator and owner is told in our News section.
St Michael’s Hospice
Our local hospice is £51,000 better off thanks to those who took part in a sponsored walk along the ancient pilgrim’s route of the Camino Way.
This included Pembridge resident Sarah Steer who with your help raised over £3,000.
Sarah reflects on the experience and thanks everyone for their generous support.
Portrait of Pembridge Photographic and Art Exhibition
Celebrating the heritage of Pembridge, and what makes it a special place to live, we are pleased to announce that Kenneth Williams has agreed to exhibit his unique collection of photos of historic Pembridge.
This will form the cornerstone of our exhibition on 18th January 2025.
If you have photos or artwork of Pembridge and surrounding areas, we would be pleased to include these in the display. Please contact us at portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
We’ll also be shortly announcing a photographic and art competition with prizes to be awarded at the exhibition
The Mobile Post Office
Has cut its hours again. It now only visits Pembridge on Wednesday afternoons.
We detail the local over-the-counter services in neighbouring villages.
November Dates for Your Diary
The calendar of upcoming events is packed with a variety of events.
The highlights include:
-The Woodcock Fayre on 23rd November which will offer a wide variety of craft stalls- ideal for Christmas shopping.
A screening of the musical “ Kiss Me Kate” in the Parish Hall, the film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and the opera “Tosca”
And for next month, and selling out fast, the Elvis Night at the Parish Hall to include a cabaret performance, dinner, and disco.
Who needs to go to Las Vegas?
Love to Sing Community Choir
Only formed in January, this choir has gone from strength to strength, winning awards and performing all over Herefordshire.
On 7th December they will be at Pembridge Church for a Christmas Concert.
Two Faced
We now have two Facebook Pages. The new addition: A Portrait of Pembridge Community Board allows members to post their own material, subject to admin approval. Please follow us on both or either page.
We Need You
Portrait of Pembridge website is looking for someone to help with website design and maintenance. If you are familiar with this and can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you. Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved.
We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet received our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 12
October 2024
October’s Dates for Your Diary is packed with events with something for everyone.
River Pollution
Concerns about the state of our waterways are the focus of a film “ Rivercide” being shown at the Parish Hall, followed by an expert panel discussion. Local farmers and environmentalists will debate both the causes of river pollution and solutions. We will be providing updates on the state of our rivers from time to time.
In our Farming section, poultry farmer, Iain Turner outlines how diversity in agriculture in our area helps to support biodiversity in the wild.
Gardener’s Delight
The Allotment Society coffee morning was a great success with fresh produce on sale. If this has inspired you to grow your own, there are two allotments available for rent. See our News section for details.
Gardeners may gain inspiration from the gardens of Shobdon Court which open in aid of St Michael’s Hospice on 9th October. In early November the Hardy Plant Society will hear how to reinvigorate your garden. Non members are welcome.
The Camino Way
Also raising money for St Michael’s Hospice is Sarah Steer who will walk 116 km of the Camino Way in Northern Spain to raise funds for the charity. See News.
By coincidence “ The Way” (12) a moving story of a father’s attempt to cope with grief, starring Martin Sheen, and shot on the Camino Way, is showing at the New Inn in the Pembridge Film Nights series. You can see a trailer in News and Community Groups.
Service to the Community
Our D Day 80 series, focussing on those who fought in World War II, continues. Tony Norman tells us about his late father-in-law, Frank Smith, who took part in Operation Market Garden. He gave over 50 years public service as a councillor, school governor, and JP. As a leading breeder of Hereford cattle, he met many members of the Royal family including Queen Elizabeth II.
We’d love to hear the stories of others from Pembridge who served in the War. If you have family members who served do let us know.
Last month we reported on two parish councillor vacancies. These have now been filled with Richard Jenkins of Pembridge and John Mallet of Broxwood appointed. A full list of councillors is on the Parish Council website via our Community Groups page
Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls
Judith Rogers has delved into the history of The Bell Tower and discovered that bell ringing is a potentially hazardous pastime. Find out more in our History section.
Poppy Appeal
The Poppy Appeal will get underway at this month’s Coffee Morning and collectors will be calling door to door. As usual, there will be a service at the War Memorial followed by a parade to St Mary’s Church. All are welcome to join this.
The school will hold its own service of Remembrance on 11th November. This year a former pupil of Pembridge School, Niall Roberts, will achieve 50 consecutive appearances at the Memorial as bugler. The RBL believe this may be a record and Niall is due to receive recognition for his dedication to remembrance.
Recycling Opportunities
If you’re having a pre-Christmas clear out the Tabletop sale in the Parish Hall may be an opportunity to turn your unwanted items into cash, or to pick up a bargain. Pembridge School PTFA are taking the Kington charity shop from 13th November. They are looking for volunteers to man the shop and donations. Contact Nancy if you can help nancy.bancroft@outlook.com
Picture Perfect Pembridge
We believe our village is special and deserves to be showcased for generations to come, so we’re launching a photographic and art competition which will culminate with an exhibition and prize giving in January. See our News section on how you can take part.
Pride in Pembridge ( PIPs) have been hard at work clearing the Moat. Its outline is now very clear. See the PIPs report in Community Groups.
Some members of the History Society are seeking more information on the Manor House which is believed to have stood there adjacent to the churchyard.
Fitness Fun
Pembridge Parish Hall is enjoying a new lease of life, and the trustees must be congratulated on launching so many events. Our dates for your Diary details these. Amongst the new events taking place is Austen’s Forever Fun Fitness classes with sessions for beginners and intermediate on Wednesdays and Fridays. Thursdays it’s the turn of Village Art Clubs providing tuition for beginners and more advanced creative spirits. New members welcome.
Culture Vultures
Pembridge Footlights are putting on a wide range of opera, ballet, theatre and musicals and an Elvis inspired Christmas Cabaret with impersonator J D King. For details see Dates for your Diary and the Parish Hall page in Community Groups.
A piano recital in the Bishop’s Palace by Paul Errington and a Christmas Concert by This Girl Loves to Sing and the Love to Sing Community Choir are two events being organised by St Mary’s Church, along with the Harvest Festival and Autumn Supper and Talk. Sue Adams- Wheeler will relate her time as an instructor for Riding for the Disabled.
Two Faced
We now have two Facebook Pages. The new addition: A Portrait of Pembridge Community Board allows members to post their own material, subject to admin approval. Please follow us on both or either page.
We Need You
Portrait of Pembridge website is looking for someone to help with website design and maintenance. If you are familiar with this and can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you. Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved.
We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 11
September 2024
Summer Success
Looking back at our coverage of events in Pembridge, we’ve had a wonderful summer, starting with the unveiling of the Verdun Oak sculpture, Love to Sing Community Choir, the Medieval Weekend, and D-Day 80 through to the Village Show and Strawberry Fayre.
If you have photos or memories of these events you would like to share, please send them to us.
Sad Farewells
Sadly, over the last few weeks, we have said our final goodbyes to several Pembridge residents. The Parish Council paid tribute to Vice Chairman Andrew Pace recognising his many years of service. He was also a key player in raising funds for the Verdun Oak project. A film charting the story of the Verdun Oak has been made in his memory. It tells how a WWI poem inspired tree warden Tony Norman to conceive of a permanent reminder of the devastation of war yet giving hope for the future. You can access it via our Community Groups page.
Pembridge’s last surviving veteran of WWII, Irene Causley, passed away peacefully at the age of 101. Her story as a WAAF is told on our History page. Military history was a keen interest of Rory MacColl, our friend, and writer for Portrait of Pembridge, who passed away after a short illness. Pembridge will forever owe a debt to Rory, who meticulously researched the histories of the men named on our War Memorial. You can access his work on the War Memorial and History pages of our website. We pay tribute to him in our News section.
Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness
While Summer’s ending and the nights drawing in, there’s plenty to look forward to in the coming months. Our Dates for your Diary for September is packed with events including a chance to see the glorious gardens of Broxwood Court while enjoying Pudding and Pimm’s in aid of St Mary’s Church.
Grow Your Own
The Village Show reintroduced after a pre-Covid gap, was a huge success with over 250 entries. We celebrate the winning entries on our Past Events page and list all the winners of each section in our News report. If inspired to start growing your own vegetables, two allotments are now available to rent. The Allotment Society will be hosting September’s Coffee Morning and selling produce.
Health and Fitness
Growing your own vegetables is a great way to stay fit but if gardening is not your thing there are plenty of other opportunities to boost your health and wellbeing. Austen’s Forever Fun Fitness sessions will run on Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons at the Parish Hall. Cool Moves jive classes continue on Tuesday evenings and Pembridge Runners meet every Sunday morning. Kington Walking Festival will include two walks in and around Pembridge.
Pembridge Parish Hall Footlights have a packed program of theatre, opera, and ballet. Their season kicks off with “The Marriage of Figaro” and the one-woman play “Prima Facie”. Pembridge Film Nights returns at the New Inn with “My Generation” starring Michael Caine - a nostalgic review of 1960s pop culture. See our Community Groups page link to their websites.
September sees the annual hART festival with exhibitions throughout the county, including The Old Chapel Gallery. If you’ve always wanted to paint or improve your skills Village Art Clubs provide tuition and are returning to Pembridge.
Pembridge Station
Opened in 1857, the station transformed life in Pembridge and served the community for 107 years. Keith Watson, a railway historian based in York, has family connections to Pembridge and regularly visits the parish. He shares with us his in-depth knowledge of the Leominster to Kington Railway and the changes it brought to Pembridge.
Become a Parish Councillor
There are currently two vacancies on the Parish Council. Could you fill one of them? Our News section gives further information.
We Need You
Portrait of Pembridge website is looking for someone to help with website design and maintenance. If you are familiar with this and can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you. Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved.
We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog July 2024
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 10
July 2024
D Day Celebrated in Style
Pembridge once more pushed the boat out to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D Day. From the solemn act of remembrance at the War Memorial, through to the lighting of the beacon, hundreds of parishioners, young and old, came together to celebrate the sacrifices made in the liberation of Europe. Congratulations to all the volunteers who made this happen, the Parish Hall Committee; Royal British Legion; Love to Sing Choir; Pembridge CE Primary School; St Mary’s Church; and Portrait of Pembridge. A round-up of the day is showcased in our Past Events gallery of photos.
The War Memorial honors those parishioners who gave their lives for our freedom. During the D Day celebrations, we also remembered those who fought and survived the war. Rory MacColl tells the stories of three Pembridge men;- Peter Jackson, Henry, and Bob Pinches.
If you missed our “Pembridge at War” exhibition there’s another chance to hear the recollections of 94-year-old Henry Mayers, an evacuee from Liverpool. Pembridge took in over 130 children evacuated from London and Liverpool.
You can also hear from Marston farmer, and Home Guard platoon leader, Milwyn Morris who wrote a poem about his comrades.
Charity Fund Raisers
In honor of D-Day, local businessman Stephen Jacques is taking part in a sponsored cycle ride visiting the Normandy beaches. He aims to raise £1,000 for the Royal British Legion in support of veterans and their families. You can read his story and donate
On 5th July St Mary’s Church is hosting a concert with “The Voice” contestant, Bronwen Lewis. Did you know it costs £100 a day to keep the fabric of our historic church in good order? The concert is just one-way volunteers raise the money to do this. See Dates for your Diary for details. On the 6th of July, the New Inn plays host to a cocktail and music evening to raise funds for the Leominster Meeting Centre and Dementia Matters HERE(fordshire).
On the 20th of July, there’s a Bingo and Chips night at the Parish Hall. Sophie Morris, a former pupil of Pembridge and Lady Hawkins schools has a rare disease;- CRPS. Her family is raising funds to finance treatment abroad.
New Defibrillator
Last month we reported on the generous donation of a new defibrillator to the village. Do you know where it is? Would you know how to use it?
The Village Show 2024
The Village Show is returning to Pembridge on the 27th of July. Judith Rogers reflects on the triumphs and tribulations of shows past. Why not enter this year? There are lots of categories for gardeners, floral artists, bakers, jam makers, winemakers, knitters, artists, and photographers. There’s also a children’s section. See the schedule of classes and entry rules. Prize money, silverware, and reputations are at stake. www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk/news
Footlights Finale
The programme of streamed opera, theatre, and ballet at the Parish Hall has proved very popular and the season closes on 18th July with Noel Coward’s “Present Laughter” starring Andrew Scott. The quality of the sound and picture is superb and gives the audience the benefit of the best West End seats for only £10 on our doorstep.
Next season’s programme starts on 11th September with The Marriage of Figaro from the Royal Opera House followed on 18th September with the National Theatre’s one-woman play “ Prima Facie”. It explores the workings of our justice system through the eyes of a criminal barrister. www.pembridgeparishall.co.uk
Portrait of Pembridge is keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Blog June 2024
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 9
D Day 80
On 6 th June Pembridge will mark D Day 80 with a string of events. In our News section you can see
our guide to the day. Royal British Legion Chairman, Graham Hudson explains the significance of D
Day Remembrance and reflects on the RBL trip made last year to Normandy.
As part of the remembrance Rory Mac Coll has researched the WWII service of three Pembridgeans
who survived the conflict and returned to civilian life. One of them, Irene Causley, who served as a
WAAF, is still alive and well at age 101. Henry Pinches served in the Durham Light Infantry and Peter
Jackson in the Royal Marines. You can read their stories in our History section.
Medieval History
History was at the forefront of the Bank Holiday weekend when Leominster Medieval Society made
an encampment on the Millennium Meadow with displays of crafts, armoury and a mock battle.
Portrait of Pembridge invited historical novelist, Anne O’Brien, to give a talk on the lives of the
Mortimers , married in Pembridge Church. Anita Measey reviews this in our News section. Pictures
of the weekend can be found on our Past Events page.
Defibrillator Installed
Tony Gostelow tells us why he generously donated a new defibrillator in memory of his late wife
Nicola “ Nikki” whose heart was always in Pembridge. We tell you where it is and how to use it.
Please take a few moments to read this- it could save a life.
Coffee Mornings
These are now held at the Parish Hall on the third Saturday of the month. The next one is sponsored
by Pride in Pembridge and will include a plant sale. PIPs continue to do sterling work, keeping the
village tidy and colourful and welcome new members.
Food Glorious Food
We are lucky to live in a village that has so many food outlets and producers of fresh, locally grown
food. We highlight the venues and their offerings, partly for the benefit of visitors, but also to
remind residents of how much choice they have.
Food Security
The need for farmers to preserve the health of the soil to ensure future fertility is the subject of a
film “ Six Inches of Soil “to be shown at the Parish Hall. This will be followed by a panel discussion
with local farmers and environmentalists taking part. Free registration on the Parish Hall website.
Keeping Fit
The Parish Hall committee has secured funding for keep fit and exercise sessions. They want to know
what sort of exercise residents want and will be at the June Coffee Morning to hear your views.
Music Lovers
The award-winning Love to Sing Community Choir has several performances lined up -see Dates for
your Diary.
Next month Bronwen Lewis, who was a protégé of Tom Jones on “ The Voice”, will give a concert in
St Mary’s Church.
If Swing is your thing don’t miss Hereford Swing Band at the Parish Hall on 6 th June.
Pembridge Footlights
What an exciting programme of live streamed opera, ballet, and theatre we have seen over the last
few months.” Message in a Bottle”, a modern ballet performed by Sadlers Wells company to the
music of Sting was stunning. It cleverly told, through choreography, the story of a family persecuted
at home who sought refuge in Europe.
Live streaming gives us the best seats in the house and the picture and sound quality is great. The
next production is the opera Andrea Chenier set in Revolutionary France.
Driving Skills
An Advanced Driving Lesson is on offer for those who want to polish up their skills. Registration is
via the Prish Hall website or by telephone. Booking essential.
Portrait of Pembridge
Is keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our
blog and “ Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this
free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website
designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 8
May 2024
May is full of events in Pembridge with an emphasis on history and the arts.
Historical Pembridge
At the end of the month, we celebrate our medieval heritage. Leominster Medieval Society is staging a medieval encampment, with talks and displays on 25th / 26th May. Portrait of Pembridge is thrilled to host a talk by bestselling author, Anne O’Brien, on the life of Joan de Geneville, married, at 15, to Roger Mortimer in Pembridge Church. Their tempestuous marriage ended in Roger’s execution for treason, leaving Joan imprisoned and fighting for her life. “A Court of Betrayal “ will take place in Pembridge Church on 25th May. Please register for this free event at http://buytickets.at/pembridgeparishhall/1243382
Anne’s blog “Writing About the Mortimers” is on our History page. Those interested in history may wish to attend the inaugural meeting of a new Historical Society, 09.30 on 25th May. If you can’t make the date email: portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Enjoying the Arts
Throughout May, take advantage of new technology at the Parish Hall to access elite performances from the National Theatre “Nye”, Royal Ballet’s “ Winter’s Tale”, and the Met’s “Madama Butterfly” and Sadler’s Wells “ Message in a Bottle”.
The Old Chapel Gallery will open a new exhibition of garden sculpture on 11th May, alongside an exhibition of ceramics, glass, drawing, pastels, oils, jewelry, and textiles.
Parish Hall
The Parish Hall AGM saw the re-election of the trustees and the addition of Hayley Osborne as a new trustee. The regular monthly coffee mornings and bingo sessions are popular. The last coffee morning, sponsored by Pembridge Page Turners, raised £117 for St Michael’s Hospice with over 100 books also donated. Thank you to all who donated.
On 6th June Portrait of Pembridge will mount an exhibition “Pembridge at War”, part of D Day 80. It will include a collection of photos and stories of those Pembridgeans who survived WWII. If you had relatives who served, please share your memories with us as we honor them. We’ll hear from evacuees billeted in Pembridge, alongside the experience of our farmers.
Love to Sing Community Choir is preparing for performances and competitions. The choir is now 40-strong and remains open to new members. Come to D Day 80 to hear them and enjoy 40s music and dancing with Cool Moves dance tutors and a swing band.
Arts and Crafts
There’s lots to do for those who want to roll their sleeves up and try their hand at art with a new Village Arts Club. If keen to share or learn new skills the Repair and Share workshop is open on Friday and Saturday afternoons. See our News Pages.
If gardening or home crafts are your thing prepare for the upcoming Village Show on 27th July. We’re pleased to report that the missing trophies have now been found and will be up for grabs in the competition - updates to follow.
Foodies can look forward to the resumption of Cream Teas on Sunday afternoons at St Mary’s Church, starting 25th May at 3 pm, and the reopening of Townsend Farm Shop and Butchery. Updates to follow.
For all events news see our Upcoming Events Calendar and News Pages.
The Importance of Hedges and Trees in Conservation
The importance of hedges, a peculiarly British invention, in wildlife conservation and farming is explained by local farmer and tree warden Tony Norman. See our Farming page.
Verdun Oak
Last month saw the culmination of the Verdun Oak Project. The sculpture was unveiled on West Street. If you have photos of the ceremony, please do share them with us for our Past Events Gallery by emailing portraitpembridge@yahoo.co.uk For more information on this see Community Groups/ Verdun Oak Project.
Portrait of Pembridge
Is keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who hasn’t yet received our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website: www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us at portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 7
April 2024
As we spring forward into British Summer Time there’s a lot to look forward to in Pembridge.
Summertime and the Living is Easy
At the end of May, the Leominster Medieval Society is staging a Medieval encampment in the Millenium Meadow with two days of free activities and events for all the family. More details in our News section with regular updates to follow.
6th June is the 80th anniversary of D-Day when Allied troops invaded France - the beginning of the end of war in Europe. The Parish Hall, in conjunction with other groups, is organizing a
whole day of events to celebrate. A swing band, jive lessons, fish & chips, Pembridge Pizzas and The Beefy Boys have been booked for a 1940s-themed day. If you had relatives who served in WWII, we’d like to hear about them and copy any photos to include in the D-Day exhibition. More on this next month.
The Horticultural Show is to be revived at the end of July. The cups last awarded in 2019 have all been returned, except for two, won by Mr Adrian Evans. If any of our readers know him, could you please ask him to get in touch.
St Mary’s Church will be offering Cream Teas every Sunday afternoon starting on 26th May and have an evening concert planned for 5th July, starring Bronwen Lewis, Tom Jones’ protégé on “The Voice”.
There are plans afoot to launch a Music and Food Festival around the August Bank Holiday. Updates to follow.
Spring Clean
With the lighter nights, and (we hope) better weather, both Pride in Pembridge and Pembridge Ecology Group have a full programme of events to keep our village clean and tidy. Both groups welcome volunteers - their contact details are in our News section.
The sun shone for the 40th Anniversary celebrations of Jane and Rosie Melvin arriving at the New Inn. Our past events picture gallery showcases photos from the day. If you have photos, you’d like to share with us, please send them to portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
You can read our interview with Jane and Rosie who reminisce about their times at the New Inn in our History section.
Farming History
Local farmer, Tony Norman, recounts the history of The Leen’s herd of pedigree Herefords which can trace their bloodline back to 1780. Tony’s father-in-law, Frank Smith, was Chairman of the Hereford Herd Book Society and met the late Queen at the Royal Show. See our Farming Section.
Performing Arts Flourish
The Love to Sing Community Choir exceeded all expectations when they scooped a Gold Award at the Hereford Performing Arts singing competition. After only six weeks together, and up against more established choirs, this was amazing. Musical Director, Hayley Osborne tells us how they did it in our News section.
The Parish Hall and Pembridge Footlights Society have thrilled audiences with the streaming of National Theatre, Royal Ballet, and Royal Opera House productions. Coming up in April and May are the operas “La Rondine” and “Carmen”; the ballet “Swan Lake”; and the National Theatre play “Nye”; starring Michael Sheen in a biopic of Aneurin Bevan, the godfather of the NHS.
The regular Parish Hall Bingo and Coffee Mornings are proving popular. The next Coffee Morning, sponsored by Pembridge Page Turners, will include a book sale in aid of St Michael’s Hospice. Unwanted books will be welcome.
The Parish Hall Annual General Meeting takes place this month. Come and hear about the trustee’s plans. Have your say. If you would like to help run the Parish Hall and become a trustee, please register your interest on www.pembridgeparishhall.co.uk
After much planning, the Verdun Oak sculpture is set to be unveiled. See “Dates for your Diary” for details.
Portrait of Pembridge is keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
If you’d like to join our, team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us at portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 6
March 2024
March is packed with events and activities this month. Here are some of the highlights. Pembridge Film Nights is showing “One Life” the story of Nicholas Winton who rescued hundreds of children from war-torn Europe. Starring Anthony Hopkins, Helena Bonham-Carter, and Johnny Flynn. To end the season of feel-good films “Local Hero” Bill Forsyth’s whimsical comedy. Trailers and booking details on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
National Theatre and Royal Ballet performances are being streamed into Pembridge Parish Hall. The showing of “Dear England”, starring Ralph Fiennes as England manager Gareth Southgate, received rave reviews both nationally and locally. The Royal Ballet’s performance of “Manon” left the audience breathless, describing the screening as “stunning, awesome, and a real privilege to watch”. This month an adaptation of Chekov’s “Vanya” starring Andrew Scott ( Fleabag) is showing. On 27th March “The Motive and the Cue” starring Mark Gatiss, Johnny Flynn, and Tuppence Middleton will be showing alongside the Royal Ballet’s Swan Lake.
If live music is your thing, the newly formed Pembridge band “Now and Then” is performing for the first time at the New Inn, while the Love 2 Sing Community Choir has entered a local singing competition.
It’s 40 years since Jane and Rosie Melvin arrived at the New Inn. Rory MacColl talked to them about the changes they’ve seen and the characters they’ve met.
We report on a Princess and some frogs. A Pembridge resident has donated her hair to charity the Little Princess Trust. Learn about this charity which helps young cancer sufferers and how you too can help. Frogs and Toads are at the peak of their breeding season. We highlight the work of two local farmers in helping them make a safe return to their breeding grounds.
St Mary’s Church is doing its bit for wildlife conservation. Esther Clarke explains how the Churchyard can sustain wildflowers and will be sharing her tips on creating wildlife gardens later in the year.
Gardeners may wish to join The Hardy Plant Society at the Parish Hall for a talk on Container Gardening.
The Parish Hall will be holding monthly Bingo Nights and monthly Coffee Mornings. There are also plans to further upgrade the facilities at the Hall.
Pembridge School PTFA has started an after-school LEGO club for classes 2, 3, and 4. They are grateful for the LEGO generously donated. If you have unwanted toys and books, they are selling them at the school on 6th March as part of their fundraising.
Pride in Pembridge has a full schedule of projects for the coming months, outlined by Secretary Karen Goodwin, who would love to hear from new members.
Wartime Pembridge. Did you grow up in Pembridge during the Second World War or did
your parents and grandparents share their memories with you? Portrait of Pembridge is
planning an exhibition on wartime in Pembridge. If you are willing to share memories and
photos from that time, please contact Kay Ingram at 07342 625796 or ingramkay3@gmail.com.
Save the Date
25th-27th May – Leominster Medieval Society in the Long Meadow.
6th June – D-Day Celebration
24th August – Bank Holiday Music, Food, and Family Fun
Details of all March events are in “Dates for your Diary” www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 5
With only eight weeks to Christmas, you can make a start to your Christmas shopping without leaving Pembridge. The PTFA of Pembridge CE School will host a Christmas shopping evening on 10th November and the Woodcock Fayre, hosting many talented crafts people, is in St Mary’s Church on 18th November.
The pre-Christmas period is also a good time to have a clear out of unwanted items. The PTFA is taking the Kington charity shop in November and the Royal British Legion is on the lookout for bric-a-brac for its stall at the Woodcock Fayre.
The end of November sees a whole host of events in Pembridge. These include Pembridge School Choir performing with G4 at Hereford Cathedral, a Food and Folk Session at the King’s House, Art Club at the Church for all who want to be creative and the Ecology Group survey of the Conservation Area by the River Arrow.
On 25th November there’ll be a Pop Music Quiz at the Parish Hall. If you enjoy Pop Master or the Hit list on radio and TV, and think you could do better than the on-air contestants, now’s your chance. Registration for this event is now open to teams of up to six on the Parish Hall website www.pembridgeparishhall.co.uk or call 07342 625796.
Film Nights continue at the New Inn on 9th and 23rd November – Richard Goddard gives us his review of “ Pleasantville” and “ Mrs Henderson Presents”.
On 24th November the film “Isaac” will be screened at the Parish Hall, followed by a Q&A with the Director, in aid of the Verdun Oak project.
We met Ed Elliott, sculpture of the Verdun Oak, who is holding an open day event at his studio near Ledbury. This up-and-coming sculptor explained how he approaches his work and his hopes for his Pembridge based project.
On 10th and 12th November there will be services at the War Memorial and in church on Remembrance Day. Our series on the War Memorial written by Rory MacColl continues to tell the individual stories of the men whose names we will read out. www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk/warmemorial
For full details of these and other events see our “Dates for your Diary” in the News section.
In our History section:- We look back at the founding of Dunkerton’s Cider. With all but two banks in Leominster closing, Jennifer Christie Temple tells of the time when Leominster and Hereford had their own banknotes.
Kay Ingram
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 4
September was a busy month in Pembridge with two of our local businesses supporting charity events. The Westonbury Mill Water Gardens donated their entrance fees on 3rd October to Pembridge Church. It was a lovely sunny day, perfect for seeing the bottle grotto and the ingenious water driven cuckoo clock. If you haven’t visited yet, put it on your bucket list.
The sun also shone for the King’s House Afternoon Tea, in aid of Breast Cancer Now, raising £580 for the charity. See our Past Events gallery for photos.
October’s packed with events in and around Pembridge. See our “Dates for Your Diary” for details.
The Parish Hedgerow Survey is underway and looking for volunteers to help map the flora and fauna which depend upon them. On 4th October tree warden, Nick Rumble, will be at The New Inn to explain why it’s important and what’s involved. We met up with him to find out more.
With the start of Autumn, Pembridge Film Nights are back. “Barbie” was a sell-out success and there are a few tickets left for “Waking Ned,” showing on 5th October at The New Inn. Richard Goddard gives us a preview of this season’s films. Follow the online links to book your seat.
Pembridge and Shobdon Royal British Legion are holding their AGM at The New Inn on 9th October. Membership is open to all, regardless of whether you have served. The branch has over 50 members who enjoy talks, visits, and social events, alongside raising funds for veterans and their families.
The RBL is gearing up for this year’s Poppy Appeal. Appeal Organiser, Graham Hudson, tells us what to expect between 26th October and Remembrance Sunday on 12th November.
Leading to Remembrance Sunday, we are publishing the stories of the 41 fallen heroes who had links with Pembridge. Rory MacColl has undertaken painstaking research to reveal each of their stories.
Pembridge Ecology Group meet on 20th October at the Bridge St car park, to complete their monthly survey of the Conservation Area, followed by lunch at The King’s House. No experience is necessary, and all are welcome to join in.
Pembridge School has a vacancy for a Governor. Could this be you? See our feature about what’s involved and how to find out more. If you’re interested in working with children, there is also a vacancy at the school.
Pembridge Church will be holding its Harvest Festival service on 15th October and the Autumn Supper at Pembridge Parish Hall on 28th October at which apple grower, Bridget Rose, will give a talk.
Other events at the Parish Hall include an opportunity to meet the sculptor of the Verdun Oak statue, Ed Elliott, on 11th October. On 14th The Hardy Plants Society will host Gail Plant on how to create a scented garden. Regular events include the weekly Pembridge Auctions, Jive classes, and Running Group. On 21st October Pride in Pembridge will be hosting a Coffee Morning.
26th October is the date for the Folk and Food session at The King’s House, which on 28th is hosting a Moroccan Night.
Harold Rumsey, former landlord of The Red Lion, was an award-winning racing driver in the 1950s. You can read about Harold and his Triumph TR2 in our history section.
Kay Ingram, October 2023
Portrait Of Pembride Blog 3
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 3
There’s a lot happening in Pembridge this month. To make sure you don’t miss out we have compiled a “Dates for your Diary” feature. Key events include:- the launch of the Autumn Exhibition at the Old Chapel Gallery; the return of Film Nights at the New Inn with a showing of “Barbie”; and an Afternoon Tea at the King’s House in aid of Breast Cancer Now. These are just a few of the many things happening in Pembridge in September.
If you know of events taking place in October, please get in touch now ingramkay3@gmail.com.
We’d love to include them in next month’s diary.
Pembridge and Shobdon RBL are visiting Bletchley Park, home of the WWII code breakers, we preview their visit, on which there are a few places left.
We look back at the Pembridge Players and their staging of “Cinderella” which will mark its 20th anniversary in January. Were you part of the cast and crew? Would you like to see the DVD of the performance at a reunion in the New Year? What are your memories of taking part or being in the audience?
We continue our series on the Leominster to Kington Railway with an aerial view of the route through Pembridge, and recount how some locals and American servicemen walked and drove along the line.
We are launching a new series of articles researched and written by Rory MacColl. They tell the stories of the men commemorated on our War Memorial, and those of their fallen comrades whose names were not included.
Local farmer, Tony Norman, resumes his Leen Times series of articles, telling of his introduction to farming in Gloucestershire.
In our news section there’s a plea from Pembridge C E School for a new Foundation Governor. Could this be you? We also detail changes to bus timetables starting in September.
Kay Ingram
Portrait Of Pembridge Blog 2
Portrait of Pembridge Blog 2
D-Day Remembered
Writing this on 6th June, the 79th anniversary of D Day, we are reporting on the recent trip of Pembridge and Shobdon branch of the Royal British Legion to the sites of the D Day landings. https://www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk/groups-and-clubs
The group learned first-hand from a WWII survivor of the liberation of France led by glider pilots, some of whom trained at RAF Shobdon. As a six-year-old she’d experienced the Nazi occupation which ended on that day, and at 87, is still telling visitors of the day les planeurs rescued her family. See our picture gallery which shows replicas of the gliders and RBL members on their trip.
Bats in the Belfry
We visited the Bats in Churches event at Pembridge church and interviewed Dr Alison Barnett, a bat ecologist. She explained why bats are an important part of our food chain, why they love to live in churches and what we can do to protect these endangered creatures.
Pembridge Church is bat heaven, with 7 species of bat living in the church and churchyard. Each is identified by its distinct call and flight pattern. These days ecologists use high tech drones and apps to track their movements. Drones will be over the church in the early hours of 9th June using thermal imaging to detect the roosts. https://www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk/new-page
Pembridge Railway Quiz for under 12s
Our social history section outlines the history of Pembridge station and the railway running between Leominster and Kington. We’ve devised a quiz about the railway for under 12s. Entries must be submitted by midnight on 15th July. A prize will be awarded for the correct answers and if more than one is received the winner will be drawn from a hat. https://www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk/children-and-young-people
History of Pembridge School
We’re adding the material displayed at our May exhibition on Pembridge school to the website. The children of the late Victorian period had a much shorter education than today. The curriculum was quite restricted and the condition of the school buildings unimaginable to today’s pupils. https://www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk/social-history
If you have memories about your time at Pembridge school, or photos, please send them to us at portratiofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call 07711 406306. We aim to complete the history of the school from 1966 to the present.
Pembridge People
We’ve interviewed Pembridge resident, Dr Shirley Evans. Shirley had a busy month in May. She was invited to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party and has been filming a documentary in the Netherlands. We caught up with her to talk about her work as Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, at the University of Worcester, and the charity Dementia Matters.
Picture Gallery
The Coronation Tea on the church lawn was a great success, with cake and sunshine aplenty. Do send us your photos of this for our picture gallery. If you have photos of the Nature Walk and BatWatch we’d like to share those too. Please send your photos to portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk.
Welcome to the Portrait of Pembridge Online Blog
Portrait of Pembridge Blog
Welcome to the Portrait of Pembridge blog. Following the success of our exhibition on Pembridge station and school we are now launching online. We’ll aim to post once a week and to cover a wide range of news, events, information and features about Pembridge parish and its people. That includes the hamlets of Bearwood, Broxwood, Weston, Marston and the part of Staunton in Pembridge.
Our website is designed to be a one stop shop for all things Pembridge. Everything from Auctions to Zumba is on the agenda. Whether you are interested in knowing what Films will be shown at the New Inn, when the next Darts match will be at the Red Lion, Folk Music night at the King’s House, or what’s going on at the Church, www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk will be the first place to look.
If you are running an event in Pembridge, please let us know what you have coming up and we’ll add it to our events calendar. Click here to find our events form.
Photo Gallery
They say a picture paints a thousand words. Look at our picture gallery to see what’s been happening in Pembridge. If you’ve attended a village event, do send us your photos. We aim to build up a library of village life, to show future generations what life in Pembridge was like in the 2020s. We’d love to see your pictures of the Coronation Tea on the church lawn, please send them to www.portraitofpembridge@yahoo.com or text to 07711 406306.
Pembridge school kindly lent us some of their photos, from the 1920s to the present day. We’ll be featuring them on our Facebook page and website and asking you to identify the people in them. We hope to help the school create a pictorial record of all the pupils educated there.
There are many interesting people in Pembridge today and there certainly have been in the past. Our People column tells their stories. Do share your memories and news.
Did you know that Pembridge has produced not one, but two leading jockeys, a world champion ploughman, two published authors, two bishops who both met untimely deaths, more artists than you can shake a stick at, and a Paralympian. A centenarian former WAAF and a 90-year-old former WREN still piloting her aircraft feature in our People section.
We are telling the stories of the men whose names appear on our war memorial. They were just ordinary Pembridge folk, who showed enormous courage, and paid the ultimate price for their bravery. This week we feature brothers Charles and Joseph Dykes.
We live in a rural community and farming remains a key employer. We know that many of you, who are not farmers, would like to know more about what goes into producing your food. We’ve persuaded a panel of local farmers to write a regular column and to answer some of your questions.
Social History
The medieval history of Pembridge has been well documented. The medieval history group have done a great job, www.mediaeval-pembridge.com The story has been retold in the Pembridge tapestries. Others, such as Duncan James and Peter Klein, have researched the story of our many medieval buildings. In 1966 the Women’s Institute produced a history of Pembridge. It’s their source material which inspired our recent exhibition.
Portrait of Pembridge aims to build on the work that has gone before, to create a social history of the parish. We aim to stir memories of yesterday, record the present day, for the villagers of the future.
For this to be a success we need your help. The exhibition lit the spark of interest. Visitors shared their memories of travelling on the railway, and as pupils at Pembridge school. We will include their recollections in our social history series. The first of these is on the Leominster to Kington railway line which connected Pembridge with the rest of the world.