Art In Arrowvale

Prior to the Art in Arrowvale week organised by the Arrowvale Group of Parishes and kicking off in Pembridge at the end of the month, we sat down with Reverend Anna Branston to explain a little about what’s going on and what to expect from the events.

Q. What’ll be going on in Pembridge and other churches in the group?

Rev Branston: As a part of Hereford dioceses year of prayer, I have chosen to have a separate week of prayer. I am an artist, I paint, write some poetry, and for me, to make art is to pray. And so, I am spending a week in all of the churchyards of the Arrowvale group, painting. Anybody can come and join me and respond to the wonders of nature, our glorious countryside, and the beautiful churches we have in the group.

Q. Can you explain a little bit about your thoughts regarding the relationship between art and prayer?

Rev Branston: It’s quite complicated. Surely prayer is just about talking to God? Is a question priests get a lot. Couldn’t you make the argument that art is about talking to God? It’s really about a relationship with God, as much about listening as it is about talking to God. There’s something about having a response that glorifies God and the wonders of his creation. Some people reflect on art as a form of meditation, I believe that the inverse can be true, glorifying the wonders he has shown us by creating. I can only understand god as a creator, to create is to let your creation free, and as we are created in his image, it only makes sense that we create, and use our creations as a form of speaking to god.

Q. How and when can we join you in this?

Rev Branston: You’re welcome to join me in any way you want, whether that be painting, writing or just reflecting. Pembridge’s session will be on the 25th of June at 4 o’clock. That’s at the same time as there will be Cream Teas on offer, which can’t be missed out on. So bring the family, do whatever you want to do, there will be art materials available, and prayer materials for anyone who would be interested, and I look forward to seeing you all there.  

James Dawes, Portrait of Pembridge, 12th June 2023


RAF Hercules Retirement Flypast on Wed 14 June 2023: at 10.56


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