Fund Raiser for Former Pembridge Pupil

23-year-old Sophie Morris was pursuing a successful career in sales and as a part-time

model, appearing at Paris and London Fashion weeks, when in January 2023 her life

changed. She woke with a pain in her foot. After a week she couldn’t put ii on the floor. Her

foot was blue, swollen, cold, and very painful.

After a battery of tests and treatments there was no improvement. Doctors were baffled by

her condition until one made the link with a very rare disease:- Complex Regional Pain

Syndrome ( CRPS). The condition has left Sophie wheelchair bound and in constant pain.

Apart from pain relief and physiotherapy, there is no treatment in the UK for this debilitating


There are treatments abroad which offer hope and claim to have a 98% success rate. The

cost of these varies from £ 35,000 in Italy and $250,000 in the USA. Sophie’s family are fund

raising to enable her to access these treatments and regain her independence.

Her mother, Julie Morris, is organising a Bingo Night at Pembridge Parish Hall on Saturday

20 th July at 6pm. See poster for full details. Proceeds to Sophie’s Go Fund Me appeal.

Kay Ingram


Fund Raiser for Leominster Meeting Centre- Dementia Matters HERE(fordshire).


Pembridge Village Show Returns