Julie Miflin - A Life of Service

Pembridge Parochial Church Council ( PCC) would like to take the opportunity to remember Julie Miflin who sadly died in November, after an illness. Julie was a very active member of Pembridge PCC for many years. 

Gardens and Flowers 

Her interest in gardening and plants led her to organise Open Garden days, in and around the parish as a way of raising money for the church. This also led to her invaluable support in staging several Flower Festivals. She represented the church in the formation of a new community group “Pembridge in Bloom”, where the village was judged on its appearance and community spirit, a forerunner of Pride in Pembridge.  

Parish Hall

Julie was one of the main instigators of the building of the Parish Hall, replacing the well-used, but rather hold fashioned, hall which stood on West Street. She worked tirelessly, with other members of the community, in the design, management of the build, and afterwards in running the letting of this new facility. She, in turn was secretary, booking secretary, cleaner and much more, enabling the hall to be used by the community for fund raising events, weddings, funerals, teas, bingo, whist drives, auctions and enabling it to be a base for the much-needed pre-school group, leading to an easy transition to full time education at Pembridge School. 

Christmas Trees

She was an active member of the Parish Council and one of her legacies is the annual Christmas Tree display throughout the village and the lighting up ceremony on the first Friday of December. Pembridge was one of the very first villages to do this, managed by Julie from the beginning. 

Horticultural Show

Pembridge Horticultural Show owes much to Julie who continued to put this on, despite the dwindling committee, when other towns and villages decided this was no longer possible. Several times the show clashed with family holiday plans leaving her packing to catch the first ferry to France as soon as the show ended. 

Julie was a Governor of Pembridge Primary School where she gave many years’ service. We are sure there are other contributions she made, either before our time or have slipped from memory. 

Julie will be missed not just by her family but  by the wider community. She has given a great deal to Pembridge, and we will all continue to benefit from her legacy for many years. 

Gill Smith & Jacqui Thomas 


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