St Mary’s Church Update

Bats in Pembridge Church

We had a busy weekend at the church. Saturday was all about bats! After an afternoon with Alison from the Bats in Churches team we gathered for a bat watch with Stuart, from the Herefordshire Mammal Group, as the sun was setting. It was a beautiful evening, and the bats didn’t let us down. We saw and heard some flying as we were equipped with some bat detectors. Sight of the large orange moon coming up was also a highlight - photos don’t do it justice.

Herefordshire Historic Churches

Also on Saturday we had a visit from Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust - a group of 45 on a church crawl of the Arrowvale churches. They all gathered in Pembridge Church for tea and biscuits before setting off on their crawl. They returned for a picnic lunch and again later for tea and cake. What a glorious day for their trip.

Nature Walk

On Sunday afternoon we enjoyed an informative nature walk around the churchyard with Esther who works for the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust. This eventually went to plan after a swarm of bees, having decided that they needed to find a spot in the churchyard, settled down and weren’t a bother.

Cream Teas Throughout Summer

This was followed by cream teas for those who wanted to partake of one. You can join us at Pembridge church for a cream tea any Sunday afternoon, from 3pm, from now until the first weekend in September. We’ll look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you to Alison, Stuart (and others from the mammal group) and Esther for a very informative weekend. A great weekend was had by all who turned out - thank you for your support too.


Meryl Griffiths


Drones Over Pembridge