Upcoming Church Events

Dates for your Diary - Events in 2023

Updated list

June – Saturday 24th from 6.30pm in the marquee at Moorcourt Farm, “Pudding and Pimms” with TV’s Ben Cooper of Bargain Hunt and Antiques Road Trip, who will talk about his life in antiques and television.  £10 – to include puddings and a glass of “Pimms”.  Look out for the posters for more details.

July – 8th  at 7pm, A Concert with pianist Richard Errington at The Great Hall, The Bishop’s Palace Hereford.  Richard returns after his sell-out concert for us in 2022. Tickets £20 (to include light refreshments. Look out for the poster with details.

July - 29th Our annual Strawberry Fayre in the church grounds with Knighton Silver Band.  Note change of date from August 5th.

September – Dated to be confirmed - Westonbury Mill Water Gardens will be open in aid of the church by kind permission of Mark and Deborah Constable. Note change of date from May.

October - Autumn Supper, with speaker, in the Village Hall.  Date to be confirmed.

November – 18th  The Annual Woodcock Craft Fayre in the church.

December – 9th Pembridge Coffee Morning, 10.30 to 12.00 in Pembridge Village Hall, hosted by Pembridge Church.

December – 17th Christmas Carol Service in St Mary’s Church. To be confirmed.


Dr. Shirley Evans - Dementia Care Champion


RAF Hercules Retirement Flypast on Wed 14 June 2023: at 10.56