Pembridge Woman Walks the Pilgrim’s Way for St Michael’s Hospice

A Pembridge woman, Sarah Steer, has been training since January in preparation for a fund-raising walk in aid of St Michael’s Hospice. Sarah is amongst a group of 19 who will tackle the Camino Way from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain, a distance of 93 km (57 miles) over four days in late October.

The Camino Way is a long-established Pilgrim’s route and will feature in the film “The Way” (12) to be shown by Pembridge Film Nights on 24th October. (See Events Calendar)

So far Sarah has raised £2,100 with proceeds from Pembridge Page Turners book sale and coffee morning, a quiz at the New Inn, car boot sales, making and selling candles and Christmas decorations, and generous donations. The group has so far raised £39,000 for this worthy cause.

You can help Sarah reach her target of £2,500 by donating with this link to her Just Giving page:


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