Church Wardens Plea to Dog Owners

The wardens of St Mary’s Church, Pembridge have noticed an increase in dog owners allowing their dogs off the lead in the church yard.  They wish to remind all owners that  dogs are required to be kept on the lead while on church premises.

A further problem is dogs fouling the church yard and owners not picking this up and taking it away with them.

“There is a growing trend of dogs’ mess being left, or when placed in a bag, the bag being left in the church yard. This makes it unpleasant for visitors to the church and families attending loved one’s graves,” said a church spokesperson.

This problem of poo bags being dumped appears not just to affect the church but the Millenium Meadow and footpaths around the village too.

When walking on footpaths in the vicinity of livestock, dogs should be kept on a lead, gates closed, and litter taken home. Observing these few simple rules enables us all to safely share the countryside.


Dates for your Diary - January 2025


Pembridge Remembrance Day