Portrait of Pembridge Blog 14

January 2025

Win a POPPA in 2025

You may have missed out in the New Year’s honours, not been shortlisted for a Booker, BAFTA, or Oscar, but there’s still the POPPAs to aim for with the winners to be announced  on 22nd March 2025. 

The inaugural Portrait of Pembridge Photography and Art Awards (POPPAs) will be opening entries soon  and celebrating the artistic talent of Pembridge at an exhibition and award ceremony at the Parish Hall.

The entry form will shortly be posted on our website, and you can learn more about this competition in the News section  

If you would like us to email an entry form to you, please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk

Julie Miflin 

We were saddened to learn of the death of Julie Miflin who, as a parish councillor, initiated the annual Christmas trees and lights  throughout the village. 

Gill Smith and Jacqui Thomas remember the many contributions Julie made to village life.

A Window on Pembridge Past

Long before the internet or telephone, trade directories were the go-to publication to find services and trades and to learn who the were the movers and shakers in any given town or village. 

In our History section Tony Norman shares a glimpse into Pembridge past via his extensive collection of these directories. 

Most of those trades are now obsolete but many of you may recognise family names and ancestors amongst them.


All Shook Up

A most enjoyable evening was had at the Parish Hall when the King of Rock , aka J D King, performed the hits of Elvis. 

Our Past Events page gives a flavour of the evening which was a huge success. 

Happy Birthday Love to Sing Choir

The choir will celebrate its first birthday in January. What a year it has been, with multiple performances, a GOLD award gained in competition with more established choirs, and participation in a musical! 

We caught up with Musical Director, Hayley Osborne, to learn of plans for this year, including a Children’s Choir starting soon. 

Remembrance and Poppy Appeal 

This year’s Remembrance service attracted national attention with  crews from both the BBC and GB News in Pembridge to record the 50th time Niall Roberts provided his services as bugler. 

We were honoured that the Vice lord Lieutenant James Hervey - Bathurst CBE DL presented a certificate to Niall and met his family and other parishioners on Remembrance Day.

The Poppy Appeal also raised a record amount of over £9,000 and organiser Graham Hudson thanks everyone for their generous donations to the RBL. 

 See our news section for more. 

 Third Defibrillator Arrives 

There are now three defibrillators in the parish with the newest installed at Pembridge Parish Hall. The others are in East Street  car park and Broxwood telephone box. 

Would you know how to use it? 

If not, please read our News section to learn more and watch out for another Heartstart course on the Parish Hall website. 

Plea to Dog Owners

We’ve been made aware that some dog walkers are letting their dogs off the lead in the church yard. 

The church wardens have requested owners keep dogs on leads, and clear up their mess, out of respect to those families visiting loved one’s graves. 

Pubs and Cider Houses 

Pembridge History Group are researching pubs and cider houses in the parish. There were many more of them than today. If anyone has information about The Swan, The Greyhound, The Queen’s Head, The Builders Arms or the Yew Tree Inn please do let me know at ingramkay3@gmail.com or 07342 625796

We Need You

Portrait of Pembridge website is looking for someone to help with website design and maintenance. If you are familiar with this and can spare a couple of hours a week we would love to hear from you.  Please email portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk or call Kay 07342 625796 or Barry 07711 406306 for a chat about what’s involved

We are keen to reach as many parishioners as possible. If you know someone who doesn’t yet receive our blog  and “Dates for your Diary” straight to their inbox, please encourage them to sign up for this free service on www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk

For updates follow us on Facebook or log on to our website:  www.portraitofpembridge.co.uk

If you’d like to join our team of historians, researchers, writers, photographers, and website designers you would be most welcome. Please email us portraitofpembridge@yahoo.co.uk

Kay Ingram


Portrait of Pembridge Blog 15


Portrait of Pembridge Blog 13