King’s Birthday Honours

The highest honour has gone to Herefordshire's Lord Lieutenant, Edward Harley, who becomes a CBE.
Previously awarded an OBE, Mr Harley has been awarded a CBE for services to heritage, charity, and the community in Herefordshire.
Mr Harley, 59, who comes from a family who has lived in Brampton Bryan, Herefordshire for generations, spent his professional career at stockbrokers Cazenove and Co. where he was a partner.
He is Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall and member of the Prince’s Council, trustee of the Duke of Cornwall’s Benevolent Fund, the Churches Conservation Trust and a vice-president of the National Churches Trust and took on the role of Lord Lieutenant in Herefordshire in September 2020.
Mr Harley is also a patron or president of several Herefordshire organisations, including Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust, Herefordshire Royal British Legion, Herefordshire Community Foundation, Friends of Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum, and Vennture, among others.
In June 2022 the Lord Lieutenant and Mrs Harley visited Pembridge during our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Mr Harley unveiled the Jubilee Tapestry in Pembridge Church, opened the Jubilee Garden, and planted a tree as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. They visited Pembridge School where the children staged an exhibition of the seven decades of the late Queen’s reign and finished their afternoon with a cream tea in the Jubilee Marquee. 

Barry Temple-Purcell


The Royal British Legion


Dr. Shirley Evans - Dementia Care Champion