Pembridge Parish Coffee Mornings

Coffee Mornings at the Parish Hall, Bearwood Lane, take place every third Saturday of the month from 10.30 to 12 noon. They’re an opportunity to meet neighbours, exchange news, and enjoy some coffee and cake.

Each event is sponsored by a voluntary group in the parish, who provide free coffee and cakes and set a theme for the event. Donations are welcome and have been used to raise funds for several good causes.

The next coffee morning is on 15 th June. It’s being hosted by Pride in Pembridge (PIPs).

There will be a bring and buy plant sale.

PIPs meet on Thursday mornings at 10am in the Market Square, for two hours of weeding, planting and tidying around the village. As a result of their labours Pembridge has won awards in the Britain in Bloom competition which are on display in St Mary’s Church.

They are responsible for the creation of the Millenium Garden at the edge of the Church Lawn ( behind the Red Lion), the planters at each end of the village, and they are currently tidying and planting the garden around the War Memorial in time for D Day 80.

It’s not all work and no play, PIPs members also meet socially . They welcome new members and if you would like to know more, please contact PIPs Secretary Karen 07880 942219 or email:


Food, Glorious Food ! - Eating in Pembridge


Dates for your Diary- June 2024