Pembridge Resident Donates Hair to Charity

Rosie Beeston, of East Street, Pembridge, has recently faced the chop! She donated 17 inches of her hair to the Children’s Cancer Charity, Little Princess Trust.

The Charity, established in 2005, provides wigs free of charge to children and young people who have lost their hair during cancer treatment. Each wig costs £700 to produce. It also funds research into kinder and more effective treatments for childhood cancers. So far it has provided 15,000 wigs and funded 128 research projects to the tune of £23 million.

Speaking about her involvement with the charity Rosie said, “I heard about the charity from a friend who participated a few years ago and was impressed that she’d given up the hair she was so proud of. I then grew out my hair for two years and gave my first donation of fifteen inches of hair.  This time I wanted to equal or better that so three years after my first donation I got seventeen inches of hair chopped off to donate! I’m still not fully used to the new hair, there’s been a bit of wasted shampoo and conditioner! I like it though; it was a nice haircut thanks to Quintessential Hair in Ludlow. The main difference is figuring out ways of having my hair when I’m exercising as is not long enough to put into a single ponytail that it’ll stay in.” 

Others can help by donating their or their money to the Little Princess Trust, or by spreading the word to other people about the wonderful work this charity does. You can donate to my just giving page ( or directly through the Little Princess Trust website (

Here’s Rosie (far right) with her luscious locks before, and now sporting her shorter style.


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