Village show success

Village Show Success

Five years after the last Pembridge Village Show a new show committee was formed to

reintroduce this annual event in the Pembridge calendar. The organisers, who chose the

Parish Hall as the venue, had no idea how many entries they would attract after this gap,

nor how many parishioners would support it on the day. Their planning required a leap of


Saturday 27 th July dawned with beautiful blue skies, a soft breeze, and from 9.30 onwards a

procession of exhibitors eager to display their entries to best advantage. Over 250 entries

were received across 45 classes. All met a high standard leaving the judges with a hard

task to decide which to award 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd prizes to.

By 1pm the judging was complete, and entrants were allowed back in the hall to anxiously

see if their prize exhibit had beaten the competition and whether they would be taking home

some of the trophies and cups on display. While some were inevitably disappointed, all could

be proud of the standard of entries achieved which showcased the array of talent amongst

Pembridge folk.

And the Winners Are……..

Section 1 Flowers

Presidents Perpetual Challenge Cup (most points in section 1) Janet Bright

Don Vaughan Perpetual Cup (best in class 2 dahlias) Marion Williams 

Arrow Challenge Cup (best in class 4 sweet peas) Gill Smith

Section 2 Homecrafts

Perpetual Challenge Cup (most points in classes 8 - 15 cooking) Michelle D’Lemos

Anne Evans Perpetual Silver Salver(most points in classes 16 - 20 crafts) Andrew Edwards

Molly Thomas Salver (class 8 Coffee Sandwich) Elaine Hill

Marches Wine Cup (class 15 homemade wine) Janet Bright

Section 3 Flower Arranging

F J Newman Perpetual Challenge Bowl (most points in section) Barbara Goodey and Gill Smith

John Bishop Perpetual Memorial Cup (best exhibit in section) Linda Lynn

Section 4 Vegetables

T G Exell Perpetual Challenge Bowl (most points in section) Phillip Bright

Karl Nordblom Shield (class 25 onions from sets) Brian Priday 

Eric Williams Silver Salver (class 26 onions from seed) Brian Priday 

Sun Valley Perpetual Challenge Cup (most points in Vegetable and Flowers sections combined)

Phillip Bright

New Inn Trophy ( for best exhibit in show ) Michelle D’Lemos

Section 5 Children’s 

Tommy Russell Perpetual Challenge Cup (highest points in each age group)

Nursery/Preschool: May Bancroft and Henry Thomas

Years 1 & 2: Arabella Williams 

Years 3 & 4: Cerys Williams and Olivia Vavrek

Years 5 & 6: Amelia Jaques and Elle Jay

Jack Edwards Cup ( best exhibit in this section) Elle Jay

Great Turnout

Throughout the day over 500 visitors came to see the show, partake of delicious home-made

cakes, compete in the skittles competition, and shop from the stalls offering artwork, crafts,

and bric a brac.

Congratulations to all the winners and the Show Committee for organising such a

successful event.

Kay Ingram

See Past Events for photos of the Pembridge Village Show 2024.


Parish Councillor Needed


Pembridge History Group