D Day 80 Celebrations

6 th June 1944 , D Day, marked the beginning of the end of World War II. Allied troops invaded the beaches of Normandy and began the liberation of Europe, pushing back the German occupiers. This audacious operation, many months in the planning, involved troops from 13 countries and all three armed services. On the first day 4,415 troops lost their lives in the fighting and thousands more civilians were killed and injured.

Despite the high civilian death toll, the Allies were welcomed by the French and Belgian citizens they liberated from years of occupation. To this day ceremonies are held all over the Continent to celebrate the liberation of Europe. Anyone visiting Normandy today can witness the echoes of gratitude down the decades in the many museums, memorials, and war grave cemeteries which are beautifully kept.

Last year the Pembridge and Shobdon Royal British Legion visited Bayeux and the surrounding area. We were particularly interested in Pegasus Bridge, in which RAF glider pilots, trained at RAF Shobdon, launched a surprise nighttime attack, and gained control of the bridge, cutting off German supply lines. You can see the photos from this trip in the Past Events gallery.

A memorable moment was meeting a lady who, as a young girl, watched the guards on the bridge and reported their routines to her mother, a member of the French resistance. Armed with this information the RAF was able to time the glider landings when least resistance from the Germans was likely. The gliders had only a narrow strip on which to land between a canal and a river. It’s hard to underestimate the skill and bravery required to achieve this in the dark and under threat of enemy fire. They all landed safely, took the bridge, and dealt a major blow to the German Army.

80 years later, we remember the sacrifice which was made to maintain our freedom in a special day of events. The RBL, school, church, parish hall, Love to Sing choir, and Portrait of Pembridge are all coming together to provide a day to remember. Do join us during the day. Lest we forget.

Graham Hudson

Chairman Pembridge and Shobdon RBL


New Defibrillator!


D Day 80 Celebrations- The Day’s Programme