The Verdun Oak
News, Village News Jamie Dawes News, Village News Jamie Dawes

The Verdun Oak

Situated at the East Street entrance to Pembridge, outside the Trafford alms-houses, the Verdun Oak was a focal point in the village. Encircled by an iron bench, it became a meeting place for villagers, to enjoy a chat with neighbours and friends under its leafy boughs.

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Hedgerow Survey in Pembridge
News, Village News, Interview Jamie Dawes News, Village News, Interview Jamie Dawes

Hedgerow Survey in Pembridge

Pembridge Tree Warden. Nick Rumble is looking for volunteers to help with a parish wide survey of our hedgerows. For those interested in finding out more there’s a meeting at the New Inn, Pembridge, at 18.30 on Wednesday 4th October. If you’re interested, but can’t make the meeting, call Nick on 07808 791020.

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Change To Bus Timetable
News, Village News Barry Temple-Purcell News, Village News Barry Temple-Purcell

Change To Bus Timetable

From 5th September the 507 bus times will change. The bus which runs on Tuesdays and Fridays through Broxwood and Bearwood will be starting the outward and return journeys earlier. The circular route is now extended to return to Leominster in the afternoon.

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King’s Birthday Honours
News, Village News Barry Temple-Purcell News, Village News Barry Temple-Purcell

King’s Birthday Honours

The highest honour has gone to Herefordshire's Lord Lieutenant, Edward Harley, who becomes a CBE.

Previously awarded an OBE, Mr Harley has been awarded a CBE for services to heritage, charity, and the community in Herefordshire.

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News, Village News, Profile Barry Temple-Purcell News, Village News, Profile Barry Temple-Purcell

Dr. Shirley Evans - Dementia Care Champion

Pembridge resident Shirley Evans has had a busy time. In Coronation week she attended a Buckingham Palace Garden party. She’s just returned from Antwerp, where she went to an international conference on dementia support and helped a documentary film-maker explore the involvement of people living with dementia in community-based support.

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Art In Arrowvale
News, Church News, Interview Barry Temple-Purcell News, Church News, Interview Barry Temple-Purcell

Art In Arrowvale

Prior to the Art in Arrowvale week organised by the Arrowvale Group of Parishes and kicking off in Pembridge at the end of the month, we sat down with Reverend Anna Branston to explain a little about what’s going on and what to expect from the events.

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News, Village News Barry Temple-Purcell News, Village News Barry Temple-Purcell

Drones Over Pembridge

At 05.30am on Friday 9th June drones will be flying over Pembridge Church. This isn’t an alien invasion, stray missiles from Russia, nor thieves surveying the church roof so there is no need to call the police or be concerned.

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