The Verdun Oak
News, Village News Jamie Dawes News, Village News Jamie Dawes

The Verdun Oak

Situated at the East Street entrance to Pembridge, outside the Trafford alms-houses, the Verdun Oak was a focal point in the village. Encircled by an iron bench, it became a meeting place for villagers, to enjoy a chat with neighbours and friends under its leafy boughs.

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Hedgerow Survey in Pembridge
News, Village News, Interview Jamie Dawes News, Village News, Interview Jamie Dawes

Hedgerow Survey in Pembridge

Pembridge Tree Warden. Nick Rumble is looking for volunteers to help with a parish wide survey of our hedgerows. For those interested in finding out more there’s a meeting at the New Inn, Pembridge, at 18.30 on Wednesday 4th October. If you’re interested, but can’t make the meeting, call Nick on 07808 791020.

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